
About Me
Make The Right Impression At Work

In our casual culture, dressing to impress and trying your best to look formal is becoming somewhat of a dying art. This is a shame because professional attire is one of the best ways to show that you take your work seriously. My name is Jayme Lynn and I just love clothes. The clothes that I love the most are those that are elegant and that show that you have a lot of respect for yourself and the company that you work for. But my blog will not only talk about corporate attire, but the many other ways that business professionals can impress clients and partners alike.


Is An Outpatient Drug Rehab Program Right For You?

23 April 2020
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you're like many people who find themselves struggling with substance issues, you're nonetheless expected to hold down a job and juggle several adult responsibilities — and this can throw serious obstacles in the way of participation in inpatient rehab programs. After all, if you're taking care of a family, putting food on the table, and paying the bills, it may create extreme disruption for you as well as your loved ones to put your life on hold. Read More …

3 Reasons To Sell Your Firearm At An Auction

13 December 2019
 Categories: Business, Blog

You might have a firearm that you want to sell, but you might not be sure of the best way to sell it. You actually have a few different options for selling your firearm, and you could be wondering which option is going to be your best bet. If possible, you may want to consider selling your firearm at auction; this might be your best option for the reasons below and more. Read More …

Have Property You Want To Sell? Get Photogrammetric Mapping, Utility Evaluations, And More To Sell Your Acreage Fast

24 October 2019
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you own a lot of property and you have decided that you want to sell off your acreage so that people can use the land to build homes, you want to make sure that you know what you're doing. There are some things that have to be done to make sure that you know how to divide up the lots and how the buyers will be able to build on the land. Read More …

5 Reasons To Invest In Document Scanning Services

7 October 2019
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you're drowning in excess paperwork, it's time to make a change. You don't have to continue to live your life disorganized! Instead, it may be a good idea for you to consider investing in document scanning solutions. This is a great way to get all of your important documents organized so that you can easily access them digitally when you need to do so. Here are some of the reasons you should invest in document scanning solutions. Read More …

Promotional Custom CONDOMS? Why This Needs Some Verification Before You Buy

30 June 2019
 Categories: Business, Blog

There are all kinds of bizarre products out there, especially in the world of sexual aids and protection. That is why when you hear about something like "promotional custom condoms," you might be wondering just what that is. It is not as kinky as you think; no one is asking you to use condoms that have ads printed on them while you have sex with your partner. It is something less weird than all that. Read More …