A Few Ideas For Decorating The Office For A Mardi Gras Party

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Make The Right Impression At Work

In our casual culture, dressing to impress and trying your best to look formal is becoming somewhat of a dying art. This is a shame because professional attire is one of the best ways to show that you take your work seriously. My name is Jayme Lynn and I just love clothes. The clothes that I love the most are those that are elegant and that show that you have a lot of respect for yourself and the company that you work for. But my blog will not only talk about corporate attire, but the many other ways that business professionals can impress clients and partners alike.


A Few Ideas For Decorating The Office For A Mardi Gras Party

15 June 2017
 Categories: Business, Blog

"Mardi Gras" is translated to mean Fat Tuesday. It is officially the day before Ash Wednesday or the beginning of Lent. It is also the culmination of the Carnival which runs from Epiphany to the night before Ash Wednesday. It is a day where people celebrate, eating and doing all the things they will be giving up for Lent. If your business has been a bit sluggish due to the winter months and your employees deserve a break from the doldrums that seem to always come around this time of year, perhaps having a Mardi Gras party will get everyone excited and more upbeat. This will, in turn, create a better atmosphere at work and lead to more production. To get things started, here are some decoration ideas that will go with the theme.


While many people associate bright, vibrant colors with Mardi Gras, there are official colors for the celebration. Use things that are purple, gold, and/or green and you can't go wrong. Purple is the color of royalty and for this occasion signifies justice. Green is used to represent faith and the people who hold their faith dearly. Gold is the color of power.

Beads and Other Throws

As parade floats pass the adoring crowd the people on them throw trinkets into the crowd. The more of these "throws" someone receives the more luck they are supposed to have in the coming year. Glass beads, metallic coins, and cups are some of the more popular throws. The beads can be worn to show whether a person is more faithful, just or powerful. The coins, of course, are to give the poorer people in the crowd a bit of money to help with food and such, and the cups are used for drinking large quantities to tide everyone over until after Lent. Have cups filled with plastic beads and/or coins placed around for everyone to share. If your business has some type of promotional gift, have them around too.


Part of the tradition of Mardi Gras is that everyone is treated equal. Since the powerful and well-known people are easily recognized masks ar worn so they can mingle in the crowd without being bothered by their station in life. This also gives the poorer people a chance to rub elbows with the rich and powerful. Have masks hanging on the walls and available for everyone to wear throughout the party.

Streamers, Glitter, and Balloons

You want the area to be brightly and highly decorated, even a bit over the top. After all, the whole idea behind Mardi Gras is indulgence. Have streamers and ribbons hanging from balloons filled with helium so they float about the room and perhaps some glitter on the floor and tables to symbolize wealth (like jewels cast about).

Have plenty of food and drink for everyone to overindulge in during the party and forget about decorum as long as the activities are safe. Let everyone let their hair down and just have a good time.

Check your local party store, such as Mardi Gras Supplies, for all your needs.