How To Create Some Truly Special Moments For Your Wedding Day

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Make The Right Impression At Work

In our casual culture, dressing to impress and trying your best to look formal is becoming somewhat of a dying art. This is a shame because professional attire is one of the best ways to show that you take your work seriously. My name is Jayme Lynn and I just love clothes. The clothes that I love the most are those that are elegant and that show that you have a lot of respect for yourself and the company that you work for. But my blog will not only talk about corporate attire, but the many other ways that business professionals can impress clients and partners alike.


How To Create Some Truly Special Moments For Your Wedding Day

14 February 2018
 Categories: Business, Blog

Those special wedding moments are the ones that are unlike anything else in any wedding anywhere. To create some of those moments in your own wedding, you might be considering a lot of zany ideas, but the truth is that you do not have to think that far outside the box. The following suggestions will help you create those moments immemorial for your special day.

Wedding Dance Classes

From the German waltz to the Polish polka to the Latin-Tango, there are dozens of very special dances from around the world. If you want more than just goofy jiggling and gyrating at the dance part of your wedding, have the entire dance party take dance classes months before the day arrives. Since it takes a handful of lessons and lots of practice to get a single dance perfect, you might want to just pick three or fewer dances on which to focus at a studio like Dream Dance. Then the whole wedding party can really wow the rest of the guests.

Riding Side-Saddle and Riding Double

For a truly romantic ride into the sunset with your love, the two of you need to learn how to ride, how to ride double, and you need to learn how to ride side-saddle. If the two of you already know how to ride, that means you only have to learn how to ride double. Once you accomplish your sense of balance and position riding two to a single horse, then you need to learn how to ride side-saddle. By your wedding day, your beloved should be able to ride in with a side saddle strapped to the horse, scoop you up, put you on the side-saddle sideways, and ride swiftly away.

Re-Enacting the Day You Met, on a Stage

Shakespeare said, "All the world's a stage...". That is quite true of major life events, is it not? Why not put on a little dinner theater for your guests by re-enacting the moment you met your new spouse-to-be, the best and worst moments of your relationship, and/or the proposal? It could be very entertaining since most of the married couples in the room could probably relate, and most of the singles in the room would be wistful in watching your story.

A Movie Slide Show of Your Lives before You Met

Yes, couples still do this. They take pictures of each year of their lives, in both flattering and awkward moments, and turn it into a slideshow. It is fun and funny for everyone. Those that do not know much about you or about your partner quickly learn a lot more.